Egyptian Zimbabwean pound

Hey, look at this currency... See it? Look again... Don't you notice something wrong with it???

Oh my, you're right! 😄

This is a currency with a value of 100 trillion, which means (100,000,000,000,000). And this, sir, is from a proud African country called Zimbabwe.

Do you want to be surprised or not?

Here's the surprise... With this note, you could barely buy your kid a lollipop in Zimbabwe, at best! Can you believe it?!

That's because one US dollar equals 35 trillion Zimbabwean dollars. That's a number called a quadrillion, a number you usually hear about only in astronomy or maybe in a stroke of luck! 😃

So, 1 US dollar = 35,000,000,000,000,000 Zimbabwean dollars.

And if you don't believe it, check this link: [link]

Do you know how many millionaires, billionaires, or even trillionaires are struggling to afford a meal in Zimbabwe right now?

Let me give you a quick summary... Listen closely.

Zimbabwe is a country located north of the wealthy South African state, ruled by a foolish man named "Mugabe" since the eighties until now. He promised them world domination and education surpassing Britain and America until they educated him the hard way.

If you remember Ahmed Al Shugairi's show "Khawater 6," he pulled this trick of a national lottery where all citizens participated, and guess who won? Yes, the same foolish president himself! And with audacity, he said, "Zimbabwe is mine!" So, Zimbabwe became his playground, huh!

Anyway, back to the economy. The country went from bad to worse. Opposition members are easily slaughtered, and the people cheer and dance behind their foolish leader. Investments are plummeting, banks are printing money without any financial backing, devaluing the currency to make deals with other countries until in 2009, the last straw broke, and no country or international company was willing to deal with our idiotic government anymore.

This led to an enormous inflation that completely collapsed the country's economy, and until now, it's ongoing. The government had to print a new currency with a new exchange rate, and people holding the old currency either swim in the ocean or go to banks to exchange their billions for pennies, as per the exchange rate mentioned above.

The rich who wanted to flee were caught, and even middle-class citizens weren't spared. The government's decision was simple: either you live like a king or you die. We're all in this together! 😃

Zimbabwe today, by the numbers:

It competes every year for three seats as the poorest country globally on Wikipedia's list.

Average individual income per year is $1000, meaning, by a simple calculation, some people there are living on less than $500 a year. Thank your lucky stars! 😃

Unemployment rate is 80%.

Since August last year, there's been a famine threatening half the population, and the world is trying to help alleviate hunger: [link]. Meanwhile, the businessmen who once supported the foolish president in the eighties are now fleeing with their money, wanted criminals.

In the comments, you'll find some pictures showing how the Zimbabwean currency is being used. Maybe it'll give you an idea of the future of the Egyptian Pound.

If you want to know the solution simply and shortly, go here: [link]

Some country folk might ask, 'What did Zimbabwe have in the first place to become poor, or was it always poor?' Zimbabwe, folks, was called Rhodesia Kingdom before Mugabe's (the @$#) rule, and it was Africa's leading exporter of wheat and had one of the largest diamond mines in Africa. Its mineral and natural resources were once compared to Saudi Arabia's wealth. Don't believe me? Read this Israeli article that you'll find fascinating, as it talks about your favorite country: [link]

And some other country folk are going on currency conversion sites, bringing the new Zimbabwean dollar rate - which is also plunging - and telling you that what's written above isn't true. They swear that the currency was stopped in 2009, and those still holding old money were told to drink seawater. Just a few months ago, the government said whoever wants to exchange their old money should come, and we'll exchange it for you at the exact rate mentioned above, precisely 15 zeros.
